Writing Workshop with Peter McAllister: Bringing Your Writing To Life
Discover and perfect your writer’s voice, and build your writing confidence and portfolio with our Writer in Residence Peter McAllister.18+
Venue: Liskeard Library
Think of a favourite book and how it made you feel as you were reading it. The best stories sweep readers into a literary world, forcing you to experience the struggles and dreams of characters you’ve never met. In this workshop – whether you’re a seasoned writer or complete beginner – you’ll explore how to do just this by:
· Using vivid descriptions
· Engaging the senses
· Evoking emotions
· Choosing words that keep your writing fresh
· Developing the details of your setting.
You’ll write lots on this workshop and read anything aloud that you’d like to (no pressure if you’d rather not). Should you wish, you’ll receive positive, constructive feedback on your writing and will leave with a better understanding of how to make your work linger in the mind of readers long after they’ve read it.
About Your Tutor
Peter McAllister studied English Literature at The University of Cambridge and was awarded a Distinction for his MA in Creative Writing. He is the editor and co-founder of Inkfish Magazine and a committee member for the Penzance Literary Festival. With more than a decade of experience coaching creative professionals and students, Peter is proud to be helping Liskeard writers improve their skills in his role as our Inaugural Writer in Residence.
Peter’s writing blurs the boundary between novel and short story collection; it builds layers of characterisation through linked pieces that result in profound moments of self-realisation and/or dramatic action. He was shortlisted in the Hammond House International Literary Prize and the Ironclad Creative Awards in 2023. His short stories and poems have appeared online, in print journals and in numerous anthologies and his debut book is slated for publication in 2024.