Junkerry's Together Apart - UK PREMIERE

An immersive feast, natively composed in Spatial Audio with stunning visuals by award winning artists.

Venue: Market Hall


An immersive feast, natively composed in Spatial Audio with stunning visuals by award winning artists.

The UK premiere of Junkerry’s Together Apart will begin with a live introduction from the team who created the piece, and conclude with an exciting Q&A.

JUNKERRY’S “TOGETHER APART” is an immersive feast, natively composed and orchestrated in cutting edge spatial audio technology, with visuals conceived for Planetariums and giant screen theaters.

The multi- sensory journey conveys powerful positive messages, through music, songs and spoken voices along with 360 visuals to transport audiences to another reality. 

Bringing this innovative music art show to fruition has been an incredible journey. It began in 2020 when we conducted interviews with a diverse array of people including children, philosophers and friends. Their generous contributions shaped exploration into themes of Belonging, Loneliness, Inclusion, and Togetherness. With those insights, Junkerry wrote a 50 minute score, in five chapters, recorded 10 incredible musicians hailing from 8 countries. Then collaborated with an all female team of visual artists, who each brought their own unique perspective to a chapter. 

The charm of ‘Together Apart’ is intended to nurture a sense of unity and peace. In a world where we increasingly absorb culture in solitary ways,  Junkerry’s Together Apart’ offers a meaningful shared experience.

Total running time: 55 minutes